美股再创新高之际 小摩CEO警告:市场过度乐观了!


“苏州东桥小巷子还有吗” 美股再创新高之际 小摩CEO警告:市场过度乐观了!

美股再创新高之际 小摩CEO警告:市场过度乐观了!

财联社5月18日讯(编纂 刘蕊)跟着美国4月CPI数据涨幅收窄,市场对美联储9月降息的预期取得增强,美股也在本周继续走高。美东时候本周五,美股道琼斯指数涨0.34%,报40003.59点,汗青上初次收于4万点关隘上方。但是,在市场的一片喝彩声中,摩根年夜通首席履行官杰米•戴蒙(Jamie Dimon)却发出了正告,认为市场兴奋得太早了。小摩CEO正告:通胀可能延续更久美东时候周五,杰米·戴蒙在摩根年夜通全球市场会议上暗示,今朝有一系列身分促使美国物价延续上涨,这意味着市场低估了美国通胀可能延续的时候。"我认为潜伏通胀可能不会像人们预期的那样消逝,"他暗示,“我认为,我们眼前有良多通胀身分,可能会使通胀率略高于人们的预期。”瞻望将来,戴蒙罗列了绿色能源转型、根本举措措施扶植和地缘政治风险等身分,都可能促使美国的物价加快上涨。另外,跟着美国年夜选的邻近,美国国内政策也可能呈现变更,好比美国下届当局可能增添商业限制或鞭策财务赤字进一步扩年夜,这都可能鞭策美国物价上涨。市场对将来过于乐不雅?据美国银行本周最新发布的《全球基金司理查询拜访》,今朝美股投资者乐不雅情感已升至2022年末以来最高。而在这背后的要害支持身分,就是是市场对美联储本年年末前降息的决定信念。但是,这也是戴蒙耽忧的要害点。近几个月来,戴蒙一向在重申这一点:投资者决定信念的要害来历在于美国通胀回落,终究促使美联储降息,可是,美国通胀的现实前景其实并没有这么乐不雅,美联储降息的意愿可能也没有外界所猜想的那末强。戴蒙暗示,虽然今朝华尔街上有良多乐不雅的声音,但在他看来,美联储货泉政策连结不变或收紧的可能性可能高于年夜大都人的预期。另外,他认为,市场对美国经济软着陆的预期也过于乐不雅了,现实上软着陆的几率应当只有市场预期的一半。在上个月,摩根年夜通发布的致股东年度信中,戴蒙已针对美国通胀、利率和经济走势表达了近似灰心的观点。他那时还强调,地缘政治重要场面地步也令他感应耽忧。 .app-kaihu-qr {text-align: center;padding: 20px 0;} .app-kaihu-qr span {font-size: 18px; line-height: 31px;display: block;} .app-kaihu-qr img {width: 170px;height: 170px;display: block;margin: 0 auto;margin-top: 10px;} 股市回暖,抄底炒股先开户!智能定投、前提单、个股雷达……送给你>>。


Suzhou, known as the "Venice of the East," is a city renowned for its picturesque canals, classical gardens, and ancient architecture. However, amidst the rapid urbanization and modernization, the charm of the city's traditional heritage is gradually fading away. In the heart of Suzhou, there is a hidden gem that still preserves the essence of old Suzhou - the Dongqiao Alley.

Dongqiao Alley, located in the Pingjiang District of Suzhou, is a narrow and winding alleyway that dates back to the Tang Dynasty. It is surrounded by well-preserved traditional houses, ancient stone bridges, and beautiful gardens. Walking through this alley feels like stepping back in time, as if you have entered a different era. The tranquility and simplicity of life here offer a stark contrast to the bustling streets of modern Suzhou.

Visiting Dongqiao Alley is not just about admiring the ancient architecture and strolling through history; it's also an opportunity to experience the local way of life. The alley is home to several small shops, teahouses, and eateries that have been passed down from generation to generation. The aroma of freshly brewed tea and the taste of authentic Suzhou cuisine fill the air, enticing visitors to indulge in the local flavors.

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